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Workshop - BOOKBINDING 101 - An introduction to five very simple book binding techniques

9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3 hours


38 Platypus Creek Road

This workshop is an introduction to making unique and beautiful handmade books!  We will focus on the simplest possible two-hole bindings that do not require needle sewing. For the purpose of this workshop, we will use readily available media. You will go away with five books, hopefully all completed.

You will be provided with written instructions regarding the process of putting your books together.

Time allocation: 3 hours

Kit / Workshop Materials Inclusions:

  • All material and use of tools needed to create five books using coloured paper inserts and acid free cartridge paper 130gsm.
  • Cover patterns have been pre-printed but there will be spares available in case you want to swap some out.
  • Additional kits may be available for purchase on the day.

Pre-requisite skills: Nil

You may wish to bring a note book and pencil for taking your own notes although full instructions will be provided. We will send you a list (short and inexpensive) of what you need to bring at least two weeks prior to the workshop date.